Father's Day

Dare I say it....it's already Fathers Day!  WOW.  This year is really moving right along.

So, what do you get the "Father who has it all"?  Haha..time old question.  Instead of getting him a gift that he may or may not use....give him "time off".  Yep...you heard me..."time off" by giving him your time.

Get out there and cut the grass for him or clean that garage.  Giving your time to someone speaks volume!  There are so many pretty cool ideas.

Here are just a few:
  • Cook him a nice meal and enjoy it outside together as a family
  • Mow the lawn
  • Wash his vehicle
  • Take him out for a movie day
  • Clean out the garage
  • Plant a bed of his favorite plants/flowers
  • Buy binoculars to "bird watch" with him and make a list of all the birds you see.
  • Go for a hike or an overnight "crazy camping" excursion!  
What is crazy camping you ask????  It's backpacking to your location and only taking what you can carry...go old bonding time. LOL.  I have always called that crazy camping because you have to be crazy to do it!

There are so many ways to enjoy Father's Day!  Get your siblings involved if you have siblings and if not, involve other family members that could help create that special day.  

So...happy Father's Day to all you special dads out there that put up with all us crazy kids!  :)  Have an awesome day...and remember your time is your sanctuary as well...so dream it and build it!


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