5 Ways to Keep a Green and Healthy Lawn

It's grass cutting time. Your lawn is beginning to green up. Now lets talk about how to keep it that way.

1. Fertilize. Consult your local landscaper (or Majestic Outdoor Sanctuary) to set up a fertilizing schedule for your lawn type. During your consultation, you should know the square footage of your turf area and type of grass that you have.
A good fertilizing schedule should include weed control (pre and post emergents). Even if you are going organic, there are some products that can help prevent turf weeds. Weed management is not an easy thing to tackle. But it can be done with a little advice from a professional.

2. Mower maintenance. Your mower is one of the most important tools that you use to keep a green lawn. Do your maintenance and keep your cutting deck clean. Thatch buildup under the deck holds weed seeds that can be transferred from one area to another area. Thus, turning a small weed problem into a big weed problem. The excess thatch also harbors fungus. Fungus is a different article entirely.
Thatch under mower

Keep your mower blades sharp. If you don't want to do this yourself, don't hesitate to use you local mower repair shop. Dull and jagged blades tear the grass. A clean cut promotes growth and deters fungus and disease.

Dull blades can damage turf

3. Blade length. Cut your turf at the recommended height. A good example is, fescue should be cut between 3" and 4". That way it grows taller than most weeds. This helps weed control by shading them out. Also, it promotes deep root growth. Make sure that you cut at the right height for your turf type.

4. Aeration. The best type of aeration is core or plug aeration. This keeps your soil from getting impacted. Roots can't grow if your soil cant be penetrated. Water should be able to drain through the soil, not across it. A good fertilizing schedule should include over-seed and aeration dates.

5. Irrigation. This is a tough one. Your turf is a plant. Just like any other plant. "The more water you give it, the more it needs." Make sure that you only use sprinklers as it becomes necessary. Automatic irrigation systems make this easy. Most systems have rain sensors that self adjust the schedule when it rains. Water shouldn't build up or puddle when irrigating. Too much water is a bad thing. Most lawn diseases are caused by too much water in the heat of summer.

Remember that your landscape is your sanctuary. Use it to bring you peace and keep you grounded. Dream it.., Build it. If I can help let me know

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