HappyEarth Day

Earth Day” is the world’s largest environmental movement striving to save our planet from new challenges which affect our everyday lives.
We all need to play a role in protecting our planet. Protecting our planet means a great deal when it comes to your landscape sanctuary. We want to enjoy our flowering beds which in turn create a home for species such as butterflies and hummingbirds.
Keeping our environment free from pollutants like plastics, motor oils, gas – just to name a few – will ensure we have clean water and fresh air. Please keep in mind our health as well. So many pollutants can damage the health of our communities as we have seen in the past years.

We can all begin our journey by recycling. It is very simple to set up a system to recycle your plastics, glass etc. You can purchase several bins each a different color and mark these…just like the example here. SIMPLE and you are helping to protect our environment. It takes plastic at least 450 year to completely degrade and some plastics can take 1000 years! WOW. In the meantime, while awaiting to decompose, these are vessels for mosquitoes to multiply and bacteria to form. That’s never good!

How about your morning cup of Joe…yes, lots of coffee is served in paper or Styrofoam cups each day. This is saying nothing of single serve brewers. Let’s get a coffee mug that can be reused each day. This would be a great way to slow waste and help the environment.

With all of us pulling together, we can make a big impact when it comes to plastics injuring our marine life, littering our oceans and landscapes and clogging our streams and landfills.

Just over the past few days, a Yahoo news story says “Scientists accidentally produce an enzyme that devours plastic”…this could play such a big role in saving our environment. Let’s hope it can! You can read the story at https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/scientists-accidentally-produce-enzyme-devours-120200826.html. Until this plays out lets continue our personal journey in protecting our planet.

If you take the time to Dream it….Build it….then we definitely need to take the time to Save it…..


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