National Arbor Day - Go Plant a Tree Today!

Happy National Arbor Day - The day to encourage planting trees.

National Arbor Day was first celebrated April 10, 1872 in Nebraska City, Nebraska.  Secretary of Agriculture, Julius Sterling Morton, was the person responsible for giving us a day of planting.  On that day, over a million trees were planted!

WOW...could you imagine digging all those holes!  Prizes were offered to Counties for the most trees planted that day.  Nebraska pioneers wanted to recreate the forests they missed from the East. honor of National Arbor Day, the following are great reasons for planting your own trees....

Top reasons to plant your tree today:
  1. Trees make our world beautiful
  2. Trees clean our air
  3. Trees create homes for our wildlife to thrive
  4. Trees provide shade from the Sun
  5. Trees are a renewable resource

Any questions on this topic or any other topics????  Comment and we will answer questions you may have when it comes to your own sanctuary.  Remember, Dream It....Build it.

Arbor Day Foundation

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