Goats - Stress Relievers that Come in Different Sizes

With spring comes life.  We want to say “Hi” to this beautiful new baby goat that is now part of the Majestic Outdoor Sanctuary home.  She has just stunning marks!  We haven’t decided on a name for this baby girl and would like feedback from all you goat lovers out there.  All of our Nigerian Dwarf goats are named after hobbits…..so what do you think?  We already have Rosie Cotton, Bella Donna, Bilbo and Pippin.  Reply with your ideas for a name!! ☺

There are SO many reasons why goats would make the perfect addition to your farmhouse family.  

Here are just a few:

1.      Using the milk to replace whole cow’s milk – Goats milk is easier to digest, has fewer allergenic proteins, high in calcium, low in cholesterol, and can helps keep the skin looking good!
2.      Using the milk to make goat cheese – Provides healthy fats, great source of calcium, and has beneficial bacteria.
3.      Using the milk to make soap – This is anti-inflammatory, can treat acne-prone to skin, can help skin look younger, and helps alleviate dry skin.
4.      Use goats for land clearing – goats will keep your land clear from underbrush or to make extra money. You can rent them out to individuals that wish to keep an area clear from underbrush.
5.      Using the goats as beneficial meat. Yes, some people do it.
6.      Use the manure for all your fertilizing needs.  The manure is high in nitrogen. It will compost faster than chicken manure.  Very $$$ saving.

Just to watch these babies is so entertaining….how cute??  You just wouldn’t believe your eyes!  Their playfulness has such a relaxing effect on us farm goers!  Such care free animals!  

Caring for goats is very easy.  There are many great articles on line to help you learn as you go. They will need a pasture, a barn and a fence of some type.  Always stay up-to-date on maintaining the fence.  If they are able to roam free, they will eat your gardens and flowers.
By the way, the following plants are poisonous to these sweet babies:
Wild Cherry
Members of the laurel family
Make sure your silly goats do not have access to the poisons that could affect them by contacting your county agricultural department for a list of poisonous plants in your area.

Goats are a great way to teach your children the joys of livestock and all the benefits.  Most children today do not even know where an egg comes from.  This will help teach them value and responsible.  Involving children today does help to carry on knowledge.  Today’s society is very tech oriented and most “old school” ways of doing things are often forgotten.

Get your family involved and remember these adorable animals will make you smile and swear all in the same day!  Seriously, they are a great stress reducer and let’s face it…WHO doesn’t need that! 

Please help us give this baby girl a name keeping the hobbit tradition going!  Comment below!


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